Paper Title
Analysis of the Production and Marketing Business of Mapia Orchid Noken (Wooden Leather Bags) in Dogiyai District, Papua Province

SopranitaSemu, Analysis of Production And Marketing Of Noken Orchid (Wood Leather Bags) Mapia In Dogiyai Regency, Papua Province Marketing analysis and production are important to measure the success of a business. This study aims to determine the production and marketing of MAPIA orchid noken in Dogiyai Regency, Papua Province. The type of research used is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive type of research. The results of this study indicate that it has implemented a marketing strategy that uses four variables, namely product, price, place, promotion which is able to increase profits and sales of noken orchid business products (bark bags). Research can also be supporting factors and supporting factors, namely support from the community, good service and good management. While the factors that hinder the implementation of the marketing strategy on the noken orchid product (bark task) are that a good organizational structure has not been established, the workforce or human resources are still low and limited. Keywords - product, mark and noken