Paper Title
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and The Need for Further Action: A Narrative Review

Adolescence is a pivotal transitional phase from childhood to adulthood and brings forth a host of challenges in the realm of sexual and reproductive health. Adolescence involves critical physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes. This review examines adolescent sexual and reproductive health in India, focusing on the significant youth population. The review highlights the impact of risky sexual behaviours on adolescents' well-being, including STDs, adolescent pregnancies, and mental health issues.PubMed and Embase databases were searched for articles published from 2018 to 2022. Seven were selected for analysis. These studies addressed various aspects of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in India. Findings showed a connection between early maternal marriage age and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Unsafe abortions and unintended pregnancies posed significant threats. Community-based interventions targeting early marriages and pregnancies, supported by community health workers, displayed positive outcomes. Exposure to social media impacted adolescent sexual health knowledge, influenced by education and socioeconomic status.Investing in Indian adolescent sexual and reproductive health is crucial due to the country's young demography. Tailored interventions, educational efforts, and awareness programs can address diverse adolescent needs. Such strategies can harness India's demographic potential while ensuring youth well-being. Keywords - Adolescent, Sexual And Reproductive Health, Unintended Pregnancy, Psychosocial, Mental Health