Paper Title
Tongue Diagnosis: Survey

Tongue image classification is a key component in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Tongue diagnosis is one of the important areas in diagnosing most of the diseases, thus tongue diagnosing has received more significance among the experts. In tongue property identification 21 properties from tongue substance and coating, whereas in tongue classification 24 tongue classes are derived. Machine learning techniques are then applied to a tongue dataset. Along with machine learning technique image processing techniques are used to capture the images of the tongue ,but the processing of tongue image is not easy task to carry out. The method consists of mainly three phases, first shape detection phase, an edge detector with the aid of region growing algorithm is used for extracting the shape of the tongue. Second color extraction, pimple detection and crack detection are done with help of color intensity extraction method. In Ayurveda practice body is classified into 3 categories like vata, pitta and kapha and these categories analysied on the basis of tongue image using image processing techniques. Keywords - TCM, SVM, LGXP