Paper Title
Cultural Appropriation in Defining Nations: Scrutinizing the Makeup with Two Indian Case Studies

The idea of cultural appropriation can be defined as the adoption of certain elements from another culture without the consent of people who belong to that culture. This ideology is something which has been transmitted through the ages and has specifically gained momentum in this era of new technology and better communication methods. Similarly, with these significant developments which were kickstarted by the technological boom, the theories of ‘nation’ too began to change. A Nation is no more defined simply on the terms of ‘geographical composition’ but more in terms of the ‘shared culture’ and the eventual effects it has on the psychological makeup on an individual, which in turn is reflected in the reflections an individual has about a specific culture. Now, as much as the concept of perceiving has changed and differed it must be noted that along with it, the sense of belonging has also changed, altering the term community. Understanding that the whole process could be problematic when an advantaged group benefit from appropriating from disadvantaged communities- exploring the politics behind the alienation of Organic farming and the concept of a cultural element which has been transmitted throughout the ages- yoga. Through this research, we look into the specifics of how this phenomenon is defining boundaries and changing perceptions. Keywords - Cultural Essentialism, Cultural Dissent, Subaltern, Cultural Appropriation, Stereotyping, Community Building.