Paper Title
An Assessment of The Challenges in Instituting Green Shipping in India

The global shipping sector, including India, is heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Considering the aspects of environmental conservation, rising import bills and the need for energy security, the government of India has embarked on a mission to decarbonise its shipping sector. This paper identifies the alternate fuels and technologies that can help India to mitigate its GHG emmissions and establishes their merit and demerits. Subsequently, the paper estimates the requirement of clean electricity to produce these fuels. At average consumption of 20,000 barrels of oil per day, India would require 14-20 GW of dedicated renewable energy based power plants to produce equivalent amount of green fuels (hydrogen or ammonia). The paper also charts a trajectory for the transition of Indian marine sector from a fossil based fuel mix to one that is dominated by renewables. Keywords - Marine, alternate fuels, battery, hydrogen, ammonia, clean electricity requirement