DigitalXplore : IJIEEE

“International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE)” (ISSN NO. (Print) : 2347-6982, (Online): 2349-204X) a peer-reviewed and free open access journal aim to provide the complete and a reliable source of information on current developments in the fields of  Electronics and Electrical Engineering. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and openly available to researchers worldwide.

Manuscripts submitted to “International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE)”  must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process.  All submitted papers must be original work that has not been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be typed double space on A4 size paper using font size 12 and preferably not more than 8 pages in length inclusive of tables, figures and illustrations.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed. The scope of “International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE)” covers all aspects of Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Industrial Electronics, and Communication Technology etc.

“International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE)” is a Monthly journal(12issues/year). Papers solicited for “International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE)can be in the form of survey/tutorial, regular papers, brief papers, case studied and technical correspondence. The journal provides a national and international forum for rapid publication of work describing theoretical as well as practical aspects.

At IJIEEE we publish peer-reviewed scholarly journals indexed with most international A&I databases. Most of these journals provide immediate free access to the full text of articles in HTML format. Authors can also archive the journals themselves. The majority of the journals do not charge for article submission, processing or publication. Our open-access policy increases the visibility and accessibility of the published content. To find the access, archiving and copyright policy for a particular journal please use the search facility above.

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