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Abstract - Due to the quick pace of technological development, internet communication has established itself as the main method of intercontinental contact. A wireless channel is used for such communication, which is seen as being commonplace in nature. Private messages can be transmitted between groups of individuals using this wireless channel. Protecting this data usually becomes a top priority in such a situation. Here is when the idea of cryptography comes into play. AES and DES are used by the network’s terminals to store patient health records securely. Later, patients add new health assets and recover old ones from the network using the provided special key. The network is made up of multiple decentralised machines that will record a cryptographic public ledger of all transactions involving sensitive health data using block Chain technology. Large-scale data generation provides considerable opportunities to improve both individual care and healthcare de- livery. Data transformations must be traceable in order to guarantee that patient data is accurate. Without the traceability process, patients and healthcare professionals lack the trust necessary to exchange this information, which further prevents the discovery of novel treatments for diseases. So it appears to be a disruptive idea to use block Chain technology to improve those systems. The primary objective of this thesis, however, is to create a block Chain-based system for securely storing and exchanging essential health assets. The suggested model describes a possible combination of an AES/DES encryption key pair with a block Chain network. As a result, the writers of this thesis describe the features of encryption techniques, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, as well as some of the applications in the actual world. They also think of creating a functional block Chain ledger to keep track of every transaction. In contrast, the server website encrypts and decrypts data between the user and the client using the DES and AES algorithms. A communication session is established between the server and the client throughout the key creation process using AES and DES. In the later stages, a block Chain ledger is used to further secure the communication that has already been established between the server webpage and the client side. The model’s implementation of AES and DES is the only criteria used to compare it to other systems. The final model is put into use in the cloud, and measures like time complexity and phase complexity are used to assess its performance. Keywords - KNN, Block Chain, DES, Cryptography