Paper Title
Reconcile, Design and Implementation of the Music Application

Music has been a way of reducing stress and since we all have different emotions; music comes into play kind of styles. For a music program, you need one application for measuring audio and other streaming of songs and many more. Ours the idea is to combine all of these into one song file that can be helpful to music lovers. This application includes maps data integrated with JK music player. Some of the features of this app include song sync, audio format checking, granting permissions etc. This proposal reduces the use of a lot of applications and will be a complete music app. The functions of playing music have become essential in one device as a smart phone since the smart phone appeared. As sound quality is the important part of any music player app, so implementing a code that checks the format of files is must. We are making this application in Android Studio using Java and XML. After the implementations and gradle run, we will get an optimized music player app which reads the audio files from adevice. On concluding the above paragraphs, problems which users felt in music player apps today is optimization requirements which can be solved using our JK Music Player Application. Keywords -JK Music Player App, iSangeet Music Player, Stereomood Player, Android based Music Player